Page name: Royal Pumpkin Family [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-25 01:37:34
Last author: Shatureel
Owner: Shatureel
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Royal Pumpkin Family

<img:stuff/thtgh.gif>   <img:>   <img:>   <img:>

Queen : / Queen's sister : [Fallen Child Athena] / Chancellor : [Shatureel] / Chamberlain : / Prince :

<img:>   <img:>   <img:stuff/erim.gif>

Princess : [Hereby Deleted] / Grand Duke : Dark Lord [skullhead] / Grand Duchess :

Marquess of Pumpkin Land :

<img:>   <img:>   <img:>   <img:>

Marchioness of Pumpkin Land : / Earl of Pumpkin Land : / Count : / Countess : / Viscount : /

<img:>   <img:>   <img:>

Viscountess : / Baron : / Baroness : [playgirl_10]



<img:stuff/amon.gif>   <img:stuff/camu.gif>   <img:>   <img:>   <img:>   <img:>

ROYAL GUARD :[crazycookie] / Castle Bard :
Castle Jesters : [kittykittykitty],

<img:>   <img:>

Dungeon Keeper : [DRACE] / Executioner : [LittleAssassin]


DRAGON : / Dragoons (Dragon Knight) : [It takes a disaster to learn a lesson] / [00000000000] / ----------- / [Monster Master]

<img:stuff/0225ty.gif>   <img:stuff/idura.gif>

Mage : / Mischievous Wanderer :

Royal DJ : [DeeJay™]

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These are special bodies only for official Pumpkin Castle royalty


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2005-12-22 [former user#4]: i'm the new Count

2006-02-03 [uninvited]: I am Queen's sister:)Then which one would be appropriate for me:)

2006-02-03 [skullhead]: Quenn's sister? Hum I will see what I can do

2006-02-04 [uninvited]: Yes:)Queen is my loving sister...Thanks:)

2006-02-14 [DRACE]: do u mind taking my name off the list, I never asked to be added, so please remove me

2006-02-15 [DRACE]: thankyou

2006-03-19 [honey bunny]: ahh a loving very nice

2006-03-20 [uninvited]: yes are my loving you so much...

2006-03-21 [DRACE]: BOOYAH!!!

2006-03-22 [uninvited]: booyah?what??

2006-03-23 [DRACE]: *runs through the wiki butt nakkid and yells out 'BOOYAH'*

2006-03-25 [deathstalker075]: i want to have a cool avi thing really *serious face*

2006-03-26 [DRACE]: ...*goes back to his den, lays on his bed, puts his headphones on, turns his cd player up fully and listens to techno disco, as the world melts into the background*

2006-03-31 [deathstalker075]: beats up drace anfd laughs

2006-04-01 [DRACE]: *locks [deathstalker075] into a deep dark hole and goes back to his music*

2006-04-02 [deathstalker075]: breaks out and runs around likie an himself.

2006-04-02 [DRACE]: I agree, u r an idiot

2006-04-05 [former user#4]: HA-HA!

2006-04-05 [DRACE]: *goes outside... but returns shortly after... sits in a corner pulling thorns out of his tail and bum, says, 'well thats the last time I run nakkid through a field of cactus'*

2006-04-07 [deathstalker075]: nice da

2006-04-09 [DRACE]: the bee can not live without the flower

2006-04-09 [former user#2]: and flowers were created just for my queen

2006-04-09 [uninvited]: flowers?I'd like to see them...

2006-04-10 [DRACE]: *scratchs his right ear... then walks back to his den and sleeps* okay this is weird...

2006-04-10 [uninvited]:


2006-07-07 [honey bunny]: May the next queen here be able to help rule with a gentle and loving nature

2006-07-07 [uninvited]: where is the Queen?she is my sister...

2006-07-08 [DRACE]: hmmm, *puts a dress on [former user#4] and says, 'look everyone, we have a new queer, I mean Queen'*

2006-07-08 [DRACE]: hehehe *grins evily, as he fades away, like smoke in the wind*

2006-08-03 [former user#5]: i see the queen left the throne. *sigh*

2006-08-04 [DRACE]: yer you been gone WAY to long kiddo

2006-08-07 [former user#2]: *P&L at Nagi* HAHA! *whacks [DRACE] with a cactus plant* how have you been?

2006-08-07 [honey bunny]: what was there to stay for anymore?

2006-08-08 [DRACE]: you could stay for me *whimpers*

*kicks [former user#2] in the sak... and pulls out the cactus thorns* >.<

2006-08-09 [former user#2]: *falls down on knees and bend forward due to severe pain* ç_ç

2006-08-09 [DRACE]: *grins evily, unsheths his sord, placing it over [former user#2]'s neck, then raising it up and preparing to strike*

2006-08-10 [former user#2]: that's my clone you moron. lmao

2006-08-11 [DRACE]: eh practise makes perfect *brings the sword down and makes a clean cut* o0o0o0o0o0 my sword is purdy again *grins evily and stares at you* hehe

2006-08-13 [Shatureel]: *laughs* Look at the rolling head, nice swing [DRACE], clean cut. *runs after the head, picks it up by the hair, looks over at [former user#2] and grins* How many clones you have before you run out of life's.

2006-08-13 [Shatureel]: <img:>, this is not me, I have dark hair, with sometimes blue, or pink, or red, or lavender in it. (^____^)

2006-08-13 [DRACE]: o.o

2006-08-14 [former user#2]: *rolls eyes* uhm... nine! like cats does. =^.^=
*purrs around [Shatureel]'s legs then look ups seeing her undies* ........... *drools*

2006-08-14 [DRACE]: *walks outside and sits on the steps*

2006-08-16 [honey bunny]: Nine is it..why am I not the first three don't count then I guess...*looks at [Shatureel]* guess that answers that damn question. *walks off with the stock of Jack Daniels to have private party*

2006-08-16 [Shatureel]: *smacks HBH across the head* You looking to lose another life buddy. *grins* Hope you got a good look cause I wasn't wearing any undies. :P

2006-08-16 [honey bunny]: *yells back* smack him for me to [Shatureel]*while opening the first bottle while humming a new song

2006-08-16 [former user#2]: *eyes bleed and fades out with a smile*

2006-08-16 [DRACE]: *sighs, walks to the lake, removes his clothing, walks out into the water and floats on his back, watching the clouds*

2006-08-16 [Shatureel]: So how come your eyes are bleeding HBH, *Turns to honey* If you want him smacked I suggest you do it yourself. :)

2006-08-17 [honey bunny]: *knocks back bottle and stands...walks over to HBH and smacks him upside the head, turns singing and grabs another bottle* Damn thanks [Shatureel] that felt good.

2006-08-17 [Shatureel]: *looks over at he ex-queen* You need to stop drinking so much.

2006-08-18 [honey bunny]: *laughs sadly* why it does help sometimes...*sits down looking our over the water, singing as a song keeps going through her head*

2006-08-18 [Shatureel]: *shakes her head and walks away*

2006-08-19 [uninvited]: friends,i think it is not good way to talk about something.i know it is none of my business but i think we all are adult.

2006-08-19 [DRACE]: [uninvited], its ROLE PLAY dumbass, plus abit of other stuff, but meh FAR Q

2006-08-19 [uninvited]: do you think that the life is a role play?it looks like an arena here and you can say everything?maybe i do not know lots of things about everyone here but it looks different at least.thanks [DRACE],*i am not idiot but i am also not blind at all*...

2006-08-19 [Shatureel]: *comes back and looks at [uninvited], a puzzled look on my face.* Whatever do you mean Princess? What is it that you see that we do not?

2006-08-20 [DRACE]: [uninvited] sees the mystical beyound, another freak for my wall of idiots, freaks and down right weirdos

2006-08-20 [uninvited]: not a puzzled [Shatureel].i am just feeling that there are some allusions.this much.

2006-08-20 [uninvited]: hah!mystical beyond?me?how much do you know me [DRACE]?maybe your way that is ROLE PLAY in your world is freak for my wall of idiots.Who knows?But i am respectful for all ideas you all have.*learns to be more respectful*

2006-08-20 [Shatureel]: *looks at [former user#2]* Tell me HBH, do we have a problem here? *Looks at the ex-queen and then at [DRACE]* How about you guys, do we have a problem here?

2006-08-21 [uninvited]: It is a good question, [Shatureel].*looks at all comments*

2006-08-21 [DRACE]: there is no problem here, its just nosey people such as [uninvited] that come in the wikis trying to start fights by saying something is wrong when its not, meh oh wells *tackels [Shatureel] and clings to her*

2006-08-21 [uninvited]: starting fights????yes,i can start fight but with you not others.okay?you are talking without knowing someone and it is not fair.please give up to attack to me...

2006-08-21 [Shatureel]: *laughs and hugs [DRACE]* There is no problem between [DRACE] and myself as you can very well see. But the others have yet to answer [uninvited], so we shall wait and see. As for me, I have no problems with anyone, even if they chose to have a problem with me. Life is to short to wallow away in self pity. Some folks will like you and others won't. It is on them how they feel. *smiles and ruffles [DRACE] hair* You done with the tiger pic yet?

2006-08-22 [honey bunny]: *salutes with bottle and looks at HBH* nope no problem at all...don't mind me I am just the exqueen.

2006-08-22 [uninvited]: it is same to are right,[Shatureel].life is too short.if it is a role play,no problem.exqueen was just like my sister.if someone doesnt like me,they can not give any important for my is easier way.*smiles to everyone*

2006-08-22 [DRACE]: *licks [uninvited], from the bottom of her chin to the top of her right ear in one big long slobbery slurp* welcome to the rat hole, I mean pumpkin family

2006-08-22 [uninvited]: *licks [uninvited], from the bottom of her chin to the top of her right ear in one big long slobbery slurp*
It is little exaggerated,isnt it?:)*grins*

2006-08-22 [Shatureel]: Thats what its all about. Just have fun and go with the flow, its what I do. Like [DRACE] said, *holds hand out* welcome to the rat hole, located on the outskirts of the pumpkin land patch. LOL

2006-08-23 [DRACE]: hehe... *climbs up the wall, across the celling and down the light fixture, hangs by his tail and drinks his vodka smirnoff*

2006-08-23 [Shatureel]: *watches [DRACE] and laughs*

2006-08-23 [uninvited]: it is almostly fine!:)*highborn smiles as ExQueen's sister*o^_^o lol

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